Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Review: Like Never and Always by Ann Aguirre

Book Blurb:

On a hot summer night, a screech of brakes and shattering glass changes two lives forever.

Liv wakes in the hospital, confused when they call her Morgan. She assumes it’s a case of mistaken identity, yet when the bandages come off, it’s not her face in the mirror anymore. It’s her best friend Morgan’s.

Morgan always seemed to have the perfect life, yet Liv must navigate endlessly disturbing secrets of the criminal and murderous variety—and a romance that feels like a betrayal. Torn between the boy she loved as Liv and the boy she’s grown to love as Morgan, Liv still has to survive Morgan’s last request.

Find out more about the book on Goodreads

My Review:

4 Out of 5 Stars

Genre: Ghosts, Heart-Wrenching, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense, Teen--

Liv and her best friend Morgan as well as their boyfriends were coming home from a party when they were in a car accident. Liv wakes up in the hospital, but something is just not right. When Morgan's father and boyfriend hover around her, call her Morgan, and tell her that Liv is dead, Liv knows that this is more wrong than she could have ever guessed. But when she looks in the mirror, she sees Morgan's face and body. It seems that Liv is now somehow in Morgan's body, living her life. But Morgan had secrets and was playing a very deadly game that Liv is now in the middle of...

Wow what a hot mess of a book, and I mean that in the best of ways! Look as how pretty and creepy the cover is- I had to pick up this book to read for that factor alone. I was not certain what I was getting myself into when I started the book. I mean really, based on the synopsis and the first chapter I had my doubts as if this was a supernatural read or a psychological one. And that is a question I will not answer and leave up to the reader to guess or speculate about for themselves. But this is one for the mystery lovers regardless of anything else.

I liked how this was a mystery inside of a mystery as well as all the drama of high school, romance and family. And the angst!! It was practically tangible! I was so wrapped up in the personal drama that I was not certain what I wanted to happen or who I wanted Liv/Morgan to be. And yes, there was a love triangle of a sort- maybe a love square? It was seriously the most complicated of romances- Morgan was dating Clay who is Nathan's brother who Liv was dating. So, yeah... try to puzzle that one out. I will say the end choice was perfect and filled me with happiness but the journey to get there was so emotional (and at times swoony, and boy did Clay need a hug).

I will say that the ending was a little bit rushed for my liking. There was a lot of build up and then within a chapter everything was resolved and I was left slightly miffed. I would have liked the ending to be just a little bit more drawn out, or a little bit more complicated to match how freaking complicated the entire rest of the book was. (and can somebody please tell me who was responsible for the missing girls? I know there was speculation but I would love a direct answer.) Overall I was really happy with this story and I blew through it in just a day or two, it was easy to keep reading because I wanted to know more. This was my first read by this author and I would love to try more now.

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