Thursday, August 23, 2018

Cover Reveal: Between the Dreaming and the Dead by Kelly Martin

Book Blurb:

Jake Austin finds himself standing in the middle of a dirt road, looking at an old farmhouse with no memory of how he got there. It isn’t the first time he’s been somewhere and not remember how—but it is the first time he’s woken up alone.

Valley Draper has lived in the farmhouse for as long as she can remember. It might be haunted, but nothing comes without a price. When the handsome if not confused Jake comes in like he owns the place, Valley decides quickly that he needs a rude awakening.

With a storm coming closer and time ticking away, can Jake find a way back home? Or are he and Valley stuck in a place that is much more than either of them bargained for?

Find out more of the book on Goodreads and pre-order a copy from Amazon

The girl—woman—looked down at him, her brow arched. She had to be around his age, maybe younger, but not by much. Her brown hair was pulled back into a lose ponytail at the nap of her neck and the top of her hair covered the side of her face. Her eyes were brown. Her skin was as pale as her white dress.

“And you are . . .” He pushed, but not too much. Lord knows he didn’t want to be batted upside the head again.

“Valley,” she answered finally. “What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing, Alley.”

“Valley.” She corrected. “Val-leeee.”

“Valley.” He nodded. “I was getting a glass of water for Mrs. Haggard. She hit her head, and I thought she could use it. She’s getting disoriented. I came in here. Found a phone. Wanted to call for help. Then you hit me.”

She looked at him.

He looked at her.

“Can you please move the bat from my neck please?”

Valley moved it back just a bit and leaned on one of the chairs around the table. “Mrs. Haggard?”

“Yes, the woman who lives in the house. The one that owns it. I’m worried about her. Do you live nearby?”

Valley scoffed. “Jake, I’m the woman who lives in the house. This is mine. There is no, nor has there ever been, Mrs. Haggard under this roof.”

Author Bio:

HI :) Good to meet you! I mostly live on instagram (@kellymartinauthor) and twitter (@martiekay). I'm always excited to talk about books, nerd out, and fangirl (y'all, have you seen Penny Dreadful?!?). And I have been known to give an update or two on my books (maybe even some behind the scenes things...) I love talking with fellow readers!-- Kelly

Kelly Martin lives in a possibly haunted house in a small southern town. While she'd like to say paranormal things have only happened to her at her home, it would be a lie...

She is an international #1 best selling author in horror, paranormal, contemporary, historical, young adult, and mysteries. All of Kelly's books have one thing in common-- imagine the real world is tilted slightly on its side. You don't really know what's going on, what's missing, but there is a tilt, a hum you can barely hear, telling you that something is off.

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