Thursday, February 20, 2020

Review: Don't Say a Word (Hometown Antihero #2) by Amber Lynn Natusch

Book Blurb:

Kylene Danners’s ex-FBI agent father is in prison for murder and she’s hell-bent on getting him out. But trying to investigate in the small town where a defensive lineman is a hero no matter who he tries to kill and the girl who gets him locked up is public enemy number one is dangerous. Dark secrets are everywhere in Jasperville—the kind Ky can’t walk away from.

When rookie FBI agent Cedric Dawson returns to town to finish an open investigation, he goes undercover at her high school—as her ex. Determined to keep her from interfering, Dawson’s plan backfires after Ky gets an anonymous call about missing girls officially labeled as runaways—runaways that didn’t really run away at all.

Because dead girls can’t run.

And they don’t say a word.

Find our more about Don't Say A Word on Goodreads

My Review:

5 Out Of 5 Stars

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Teen--

Keep in mind this is the second book in a series and picks up where the last book left off, with basically no recap so make sure to read them in order.

I know everyone keeps comparing this series to Veronica Mars, but here I go, doing the same thing and comparing the series to one of my absolute favorite shows VM. And I mean that in a good way, in case you were worried. There was a hole in my life without the snoopy, crazy smart and braze VM girl sleuth in my life but Kylene Danners has filled that void perfectly. This series is dark, surprising, dangerous, twisty and basically all things wonderful. If you were looking for a stressful, high tension, edge of you seat read, look no further. I was so wrapped up in this story, completely engaged in Kylene's life, be it her personal drama or the mysteries that she finds herself investigated.

And yep, we have at least two mysteries per book, one that the book looks to tackle and one that runs the backbone of the series that deals with her dad. This is the first series that I have read by this author but I will gladly go buy all the backlist books by this author and binge them since I am now a complete fangirl. There is no current date for a 3rd book but know that when there is one (because there has to be based on this ending- no not a cliffhanger but with lots of loose ends) I will be first in line to get it in my hands and dive head first back to the danger and emotional roller coaster that is this world. I highly recommend this for anyone who likes realistic, gritty mysteries with a fantastic main character as well as detailed and compelling side characters.

Side note, I am team Dawson all the way (AJ is a very nice boy, don't get me wrong). It may not be a thing, but a girl can dream.

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