Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Review: Killing November (Killing November #1) by Adriana Mather

Book Blurb:

It’s a school completely off the grid, hidden by dense forest and surrounded by traps. There’s no electricity, no internet, and an eye-for-an-eye punishment system. Classes include everything from Knife-Throwing and Poisons to the Art of Deception and Historical Analysis. And all of the students are children of the world’s most elite strategists—training to become assassins, counselors, spies, and master impersonators. Into this world walks November Adley, who quickly discovers that friends are few in a school where personal revelations are discouraged and competition is everything. When another student is murdered, all eyes turn to November, who must figure out exactly how she fits into the school’s bizarre strategy games before she is found guilty of the crime…or becomes the killer’s next victim.

Find out more about the Killing November on Goodreads

My Review:

5 Out Of 5 Stars

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Teen--

I actually finished Killing November almost a month ago but had no idea how I could sum up my feelings for this fantastic book into a concise review. Well, after a long time stewing about it, I realize I can't. So instead, I will just write a very short review and get to the point which is almost impossible in my head full of long winded, tangenty words. So anyway, I loved Killing November. It fits into my current academy obsession that seems to be trending in the book world recently, where a girl is sent to a school she never knew about for skills she doesn't understand and is part of a bigger world that nobody ever told her about. Basically, the perfect ingredients for an engaging, moderately unrealistic mystery read that I devoured.

Yes this is the first in a series of who knows how many books, so be aware that the story does not end here. Every minute was jammed with interesting tidbits, be it conspiracy, murder attempts, family secrets, fighting, poisoning, loyalties tested, sneaking around and a touch of romance. I am so on board for finding out more about this world November was just thrust into and I will try to patiently wait for the next book. This story is perfect for others who like the academy style of books, murder mysteries with a ton of conspiracy and spies in training.

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