Sunday, June 23, 2019

Review: The Haunted by Danielle Vega

Book Blurb:

From Danielle Vega, YA’s answer to Stephen King, comes a new paranormal novel about dark family secrets, deep-seated vengeance, and the horrifying truth that evil often lurks in the unlikeliest of places.

Hendricks Becker-O’Malley is new in town, and she’s bringing baggage with her. With a dark and wild past, Hendricks doesn’t think the small town her parents moved her to has much to offer her in terms of excitement. She plans on laying low, but when she’s suddenly welcomed into the popular crowd at school, things don’t go as expected.

Hendricks learns from her new friends that the fixer-upper her parents are so excited about is notorious in town. Local legend says it’s haunted. Hendricks doesn’t believe it. Until she’s forced to. Blood-curdling screams erupt from the basement, her little brother wakes up covered in scratches, and something, or someone pushes her dad down the stairs. With help from the mysterious boy next door, Hendricks makes it her mission to take down the ghosts . . . if they don’t take her first.

Find out more about The Haunted on Goodreads

My Review:

4 Out Of 5 Stars

Genre: Ghosts, Mystery, Scary, Supernatural, Suspense, Teen--

Hendricks is just trying to start over, leaving behind the events from the last few months and looking forward to the chance to be a new girl in a new high school far away. But what she didn't know was that the house her parents bought and are renovating is supposedly haunted as per her peers. Supposedly a girl was killed in the house a few years ago. But the rumors can't be true...right?

I love horror stories, there is just something thrilling about the intensity, the guessing and fear that they can create in the reader. And Danielle is known as the Queen of Horror so I was really excited to jump into this tale of creepiness. I liked that the story started with small things, blink and you might miss it, but as the book progressed the scary factor increased until every paragraph was filled with gore and imagery that made me keep reading. This was a pretty quick read, at roughly 250 pages and it took place over a pretty short amount of time in the story as well, allowing me to read it in just a few sittings. I did have a problem though since I read it right before bed which turned me into a paranoid anxious ball so sleeping was almost impossible. I have not read a horror book recently, especially one that upped the ante for storytelling, so this really made me appreciate what Danielle was able to create.

I am not going to go into super details about the book since I don't want to spoil anything since all aspects of the plot were interwoven, just know that this was engaging and horrifying, with a plot that was believable enough to let me suspend reality and be scared. So overall I thought this was a really interesting, a well done subtle horror story. But my one problem was the ending! I hated everything about the ending, it felt really rushed and not what I was hoping it would be. I have no idea what I wanted to happen but this was not it. This is very much a standalone read though, for those who like everything wrapped up- but don't expect a HEA because that is not Ms. Vega's style.

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