Monday, March 11, 2019

Review: Off Her Game by Zoe Forward

Book Blurb:

Tori Duarte’s big dreams to be a video game designer...well, they haven’t panned out. And a girl’s got to eat. Enter: the Stadium, a secretive video game gambling ring. As a world ranked eGamer, winning should be cake. Until it’s not. Gambling debts suck her in deep.

A chance encounter with the media shy, ridiculously handsome video game CEO Noah Harrison offers her a way out. The deal: 1) Assist the FBI to catch the underworld eGaming kingpin (doable but dangerous). 2) Keep the FBI connection secret by pretending to date Noah (not optional but keeping it PG is problematic).

What neither expects is an explosive chemistry that’s more than convincing—it’s sizzling. Falling for each other is the most dangerous thing they could do...

You can learn more about the book and author on Goodreads and pick up a copy from Amazon


My Review:

4 Out Of 5 Stars

Genre: Mystery, Romance, Suspense--

Tori is in over her head- and it may cost her her life. When she thought she could get some quick cash from betting on her gaming skills, she had no idea how much debt she could possible get into, costing her one of many nights in jail to say the least. While being bailed out of jail by her sister, she meets an incredibly attractive guy who seems to be just as nerdy as her. What she did not know was that said guy just so happens to be a millionaire video game designer who wants to bring her into a complicated mess to stop the gaming ring.

Tori was a pretty tough girl who hates to be seen as weak, or ask for help, trying to make her own way even against the terrible odds. She has spent so much time battling against the sexist stereotypes and jerk gamers that she struggles when someone is positive towards her. At times she jumped to conclusions when it came to all things Noah and I wanted to shake her for her irrationality, but her enthusiasm and determination made up for her assumptions.

Let's take a minute right now just to fan girl over the wonderfulness that was Noah. I loved every awkward interaction with him, be it him misreading social cues to his lack of insight into his own appeal. He was just so adorable personality wise, eager to please and laid back, but housed in a delicious piece of eye-candy. He was my favorite character right from the start and I loved that we got to see into his head just as much as Tori's.

There was so much world building that took place in this contemporary romance book (be it the company, video game, illegal gaming underground and the gamer world in general) and a mystery that did not have a conclusion that I am so excited to know there will be another Gaming Lords book coming soon(ish). This was my introduction to Zoe's writing and I really enjoyed her ability to create detailed, engaging characters that I could empathize with and root for. I can't wait to see what will happen next (and I know it will be Jake's book but can we pretty please get some HEA info for Tori and Noah- I think they deserve it after what they went through here!).

I reviewed a complementary copy of this title.

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