Thursday, March 12, 2020

Blog Tour & Giveaway: I Hate You, Fuller James by Kelly Anne Blount

Book Blurb:

I Hate You Fuller James by Kelly Anne Blount

Publication Date: March 2, 2020

Publisher: Entangled Teen Crush

I hate you, Fuller James.

I hate your floppy hair and your lopsided grin and those laughing blue eyes that always seem to be laughing at me.

I hate that you’re the most popular guy in school and I’m still the girl who sneezed and spit out her retainer on someone at a middle school dance. It’s just such a cliché.

I hate that I’m being forced to tutor you in English and keep it a secret from everyone. Because otherwise it might put our basketball team’s chances at winning State in jeopardy, and even though I hate you, I love basketball.

I hate that it seems like you’re keeping a secret from me…and that the more time we spend together, the less I feel like I’m on solid ground. Because I’m starting to realize there’s so much more to you than meets the eye. Underneath it all, you’re real.

But what I hate most is that I really don’t hate you at all.

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Wren reached into her backpack as I unlocked my phone. As soon as I tapped on the notification, my jaw dropped. An anonymous Instagram account, famous for posting gossip, had tagged Wren and me in a picture together. I was standing in her driveway, grinning like a fool. The caption read, “Hookup Alert: Wrentainer lets Fuller James spend the night at her house!”

Wren’s gasp was audible. By the time I looked up, she was standing and pointing a shaky finger at me. “Did you do this? Is this the reason you kept looking over your shoulder?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I swear, Wren. I didn’t have anything to do with this post.”

Before I could defend myself any further, TyShaun popped his head into the library. “Wow. You two can’t seem to get enough of each other!” He winked before throwing his head back and laughing. “I’m surprised I didn’t find you in the AV room.” He bent his elbows and brought his arms toward his body in a repetitive motion.

“Shut up, TyShaun.” Wren’s voice quaked.

Shit. My mind floated back to last night, when I’d bumped into him outside of Wren’s house. He must have been the one to take the picture and send it to the gossip IG account.

“The picture is out there.” TyShaun continued laughing, slapping his hand on the side of the door. “You can’t hide your relationship forever.” He held up one finger and winked.

Oh no. He and Marc must have counted this as step one. My guilty conscience crumbled under the pressure. I opened my mouth to tell TyShaun to screw off, but Wren beat me to it.

“We aren’t in a relationship!” Wren’s eyes were glossy.

“You act like this isn’t helping your reputation,” TyShaun said. “Whoever posted that did you a favor, Wrentainer!”

The librarian stomped toward TyShaun with a scowl on her face. “This is a library, not the mall. Get to class, Mr. Adams. Now.”

TyShaun winked at me before disappearing around the door. “See ya later, FullTainer.”

I balled up my fists. He was damn lucky we were teammates.

By the time I turned my attention back to Wren, she was shoving her book into her backpack. Her hands shook as she attempted to zip it shut.

“Wren, wait.” I reached across the table, but she pulled back. With tears streaming down her face, she snatched her backpack off the table and bolted toward the doors.


Author Bio:

USA Today Bestselling author and Wattpad Star Kelly Anne Blount has more than seventy-three-thousand followers on social media. Her Wattpad stories have been read more than twenty-million times. She’s contributed to Tap, Wattpad’s new app for chat-style stories, where her work has been “tapped” more than fifty-million times. She is a writer and reviewer for SpoilerTV, which has allowed her to develop an incredible network of film and TV stars.

Two of her Wattpad works, including Captured (seventeen-million reads), have been optioned for film by Komixx Entertainment, and she is regularly invited to present seminars about social media at author events.

Stop by any of Kelly’s social-media platforms (@KellyAnneBlount) and stay tuned to this website for announcements and information about upcoming releases and events

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Tour provided by Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours

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