Thursday, September 6, 2018

Review: Takin' It Back by Ash Krafton

Book Blurb:

Think there's nothing worse than becoming like your mother? Try being possessed by her spirit.

Twenty-year-old Aerie hates running collateral recovery for her father’s magical supply shop. Repossession is a nasty business, even when you’re good at it. Her dream job? The store’s new Acquisitioner…but Pop says that job’s for someone who finds things, not loses them. When a mysterious amulet must be found, Aerie sees an opportunity to prove her worth to him.

That’s when a spirit trapped inside the amulet possesses her, instead. Demonic powers are handy on a door-knock or when facing down one’s nemesis, but mages can’t use the demonic ley without becoming tainted. Worse yet, the spirit may be Aerie's difficult, dead-beat, long-gone mother.

The possession will destroy Aerie if she doesn’t get the amulet off—but the only person who can do that is the guy she repo’d it from. Mr. Probable Ulterior Motive says if she finds some crummy old book she’d lost years ago, she may discover the spirit’s true identity and prevent its damnation. Aerie must entrust her fate to a complete stranger or let the demon get what it wants—and it wants Pop dead.

Gonna be one Hell of a family reunion.

Lara Croft meets The Magicians in this tale of magic, adventure, and hidden truths.

Buy TAKIN’ IT BACK today for a possessing urban fantasy read that won’t let you go!

Find out more about the book on Goodreads

My Review:

4 Out Of 5 Stars

Genre: Another-World, Mystery, Supernatural, Witches--

Aerie is a magical bounty hunter, spending her days retrieving magical artifacts for her father's store when people fail to hold up their ends of the deal- she has a name badge and everything! But Aerie wants more-the coveted magical finder position that has been recently vacated. But she knows that she stands no chance of convincing her father of hiring her- he is too convinced that she looses things instead of finding things even though her job record is impeccable. When she happens upon (aka snoops) a file in her father's office of a magical item that needs to be found, Aerie knows she is the person for the job...

I am 100% down for a magical version of Indiana Jones, a person who goes on crazy dangerous mission to retrieve a rare and important artifact (in this case magically) to be only used for good...mostly. I can fully understand why Aerie wanted that job, it would be exciting for sure. Aerie was a fun character, kind of a "I will just wing it and hope for the best" personality, which made for lots of trouble for her but a fun adventure for me to read. She was spunky and determined and it made it easy for me to root for her regardless of her antics. Through (almost) no fault of her own, she got into some bizarre situations (the best being the fish at the door instead of a cage) and had to finagle her way out. Aerie was a great character and I loved watching her discover her true self through the pages of the story.

The story wrapped up nicely, with really no loose ends so I am pretty sure this is a standalone book, which was a nice change. Side note- with all the world building and supernatural creatures, this could easily be a series but the mystery wrapped up fully. Overall this was a fun, easy read full of magic, mischief, humor, adventure and self discovery that I enjoyed and would highly recommend. I had not read anything by this author before but I will check out her other books to get lost into next.

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