Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Love Songs & Other Lies by Jessica Pennington

Book Blurb:

Love Songs & Other Lies by Jessica Pennington

Publisher: Tor Teen

Release Date: April 24th, 2018

Genre: YA Contemporary Romance

It’s summer romance and second chances, the songs that stay in your head, and the boy you’ll never forget.

Two years after rock-song-worthy heartbreak, Virginia Miller is looking forward to a fun, carefree summer. Her friends just landed a spot on a battling bands reality show, and Vee is joining them for her dream internship on tour. Three months with future rockstars seems like an epic summer plan. Until she learns she’ll also be sharing the bus with Cam. Her first love, and her first heartbreak. Now Vee has more than just cameras to dodge, and Cam’s determination to win her forgiveness is causing TMZ-worthy problems for both of them. With cameras rolling, she’ll have to decide if her favorite breakup anthem deserves a new ending. And if she’s brave enough to expose her own secrets to keep Cam’s under wraps.

Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-a-Million | IndieBound | Powell’s | Book Depository | Macmillan

Top Ten Favorite Quotes

1. “There are stipulations to kissing you? Like, you have demands?”

“Just one.”

My hands settle on my hips. “I don’t negotiate with terrorists.”

2.“Gross. I think you mean ‘man candy,’ because I’ve never seen your man meat. And I don’t plan to.”

3. Cam is smiling at me like I’m absolute perfection, and for a moment I forget all about the pain and the hate and the anger. I smile back. And for one moment, I truly feel happy, ignited by the way he’s looking at me, like I’ve cured cancer or written the Great American Novel, not scribbled a couple of stupid songs. I’m seventeen again, sitting at the beach after sunset, playing a concert for two.

4.“I want you to say yes. To everything. To anything.”

. 6.“You were the missing lyrics to a song I didn't even know I was writing.”

7.“I always joked about you stalking me, but really”—she’s trying not to smile and failing—“at a nursing home?”

8.A glorified groupie along for the ride. Maybe hopping on a bus based on a too-good-to-be-true job offer from Logan wasn’t my best choice ever. Who knew, right?

9. “Oh, yeah, laugh it up. One person wears flannel, okay. Fine. But all of you show up in flannel, and you look like those freaking animatronic bears from Disney World who play banjos and wear suspenders and scare the kids.”

“So yes, I’m checking your clothes. Because I love you. And because I—not you—get blamed when you show up looking like you should be carrying fiddles and washboards.”

10. “I’d like to hear this idea,” Nonni says, and I officially love her.

Author Bio:

Jessica Pennington is no stranger to the combination of love and drama. She’s a wedding planner, after all. A writer since the age of ten—when she sought publication for her poem about a tree—Jessica likes the challenge of finding the humor in a sad situation or highlighting the awkwardness in a romantic one. She lives in a Michigan beach town suspiciously similar to the one in her books, where she's currently finishing her second novel, WHEN SUMMER ENDS, out April 2019.
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads

Week One:

Monday 16th


Ashleigh’s BookshelfReview


Tuesday 17th

The Clever ReaderDream Cast

Tale Out LoudReview


Wednesday 18th

Smada’s Book SmackTop 10 Quotes



Thursday 19th

My Fangirl ChroniclesExcerpt

A Blunt Book BlogReview


Friday 20th

BookishBitsBlogGuest Post

Books. Life. and Everything Else.Review

You can follow the Love Songs & Other Lies tour HERE


  1. #6 is probably my favorite quote out of all of these! Thank you so much for being a part of this tour! :)

    1. I agree, it is a good one! I had such a hard time narrowing down my favorites to ten
