

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Pitch Dark by Courtney Alameda

Book Blurb:

PITCH DARK  by Courtney Alameda

Pub. Date: February 20, 2018

Publisher: Feiwel & Friends

Pages: 384

Set against a future of marauding space scavengers and deadly aliens who kill with sound, here is a frightening, fast-paced YA adventure from the author of the acclaimed horror novel, Shutter.

Tuck has been in stasis on the USS John Muir, a ship that houses Earth’s most valued artifacts—its natural resources. Parks and mountains are preserved in space.

Laura belongs to a shipraiding family, who are funded by a group used to getting what they want. And they want what’s on the Muir.

Tuck and Laura didn’t bargain on working together, or battling mutant aliens who use sound to kill. But their plan is the only hope for their crews, their families, and themselves.

In space, nobody can hear you scream . . . but on the John Muir, the screams are the last thing you'll hear.

Goodreads | Amazon | B&NiBooksTBD

My Review:

5 Out Of 5 Horror Filled Stars

Genre: Aliens, Another-World, Mystery, Scary, Space, Survival, Suspense, Teen--

Tuck woke up from stasis incredibly disoriented- and 400 years in the future. But something isn't right about his ship, something else has woken up too. Laura wants nothing more but to be free of the tech that was implanted against her will by the person who she thought loved her, and now she is just a pawn to be used against her family. When a terrorist group who wants humanity to end makes their presence known, Laura's ship is set on a path of destruction, right towards the horror that lives on Tuck's.

Words can't even began to describe the love that pours out of me when it comes to Courtney's previous book Shutter (you can read my review of Shutter HERE)- seriously, I am a total fan girl, I forced all my friends to read it, and it holds a special place in my top ten books (and that is saying a LOT considering I read over 200 books a year!). I was thrilled when I learned that there would be another Courtney book coming out, filled with the horror that I now expect from her- but this time in outer space, a place I personally already think is terrifying! I will admit that I was a little hesitant when I first picked up the book since I had built VERY high expectations up, but I am ever so happy to report that I loved this book and every heart stopping, terrifying moment.

Stasis stole something from everyone:

It burned the memories from our heads.

It stole our stories, our humanity.

Our families, too. In most cases, it ended our lives.

The story was dual narrated, switching at chapters between Tuck and Laura. Laura was the definition of competent, a girl who can take care of herself, her own hero, full of fire and spunk, with a will of iron and a desire to live- and her aim with a bow and arrow is top notch (ha, sorry could resist!). Laura is the girl we all strive to be. Tuck on the other hand is very capable and intelligent, but his fight has left him, and instead he takes dangerous risks not at all upset to put himself in danger. But his love of "old movies" aka movies I grew up watching, and his amazing quotes and sayings were just the comic relief that I needed to stop a moment of terror. Be it Monty Python phrases, Doctor Who play on words or his awful love for Die Hard, I could relate to Tuck so much, and his totally inappropriate comments. Keep in mind that this was not a romance, but instead a science fiction horror adventure (love kinda takes a backseat to survival, in the grand scheme of things).

“Doctor who?” Sebastian keeps his rifle trained on me.

Oh, now that’s an opportunity I can’t pass up: “Doctor Who?” I say with an edge of mockery. “You call yourself archeologists and you don’t know about the Doctor?”

“Which doctor?” Sebastian asks.

“The madman with a box?” I ask. “Bad Wolf? We have a lot of running to do?”

They both look at me as if I’m the one who’s lost my damn mind.

Right from the first chapter, the reader is thrown into the danger that terrorizes the characters- be it real monsters that chase Tuck to the powerful people who hide their monster better and subjugate Laura. I had goose bumps rise up on my arms while reading the imagery that unfolded on the pages- I could see every ever so wrong detail about the creatures that stalked the dark aboard the John Muir ship.

Behind me, only the silhouette of some massive beast is visible through the fester-covered glass: the creature stands on two legs, but that’s where its similarities to a human being end. As the monster steps up to the window, something slithers away from its back— a hundred long, thick tentacles unfurl like diabolical wings, writhing as if they each have a mind of their own.

Just typing that paragraph makes me goosebumped again because I know what comes next. I found myself holding my breath while reading silent encounters where Tuck was being stalked by something very wrong, hoping that if I held my breath it would help Tuck not be found. Every noise counts. I felt the panic with Laura where she was in the pitch dark, unable to see, but knowing something was right next to her. I was so wrapped up in the terror that made up every encounter with space...things (evolutions?) that I could not put the book down, I was so wrapped up in the fast paced journey. Pitch Dark was full of creepy imagery that made my skin crawl (worms, worms distrub me more than anything!), as well as even darker imagery of death, dying and destruction in all forms. Maybe read this book with the light on- or better yet, during the day, with all the lights on...

The best defenses against them are stillness, silence, luck…

And in a pinch, a well-aimed knife.

A howl unfurls, a shredded, tortured sort of song. The crew calls them mourners because their shrieks sound like someone sobbing at a funeral. Even at this distance, their cries grate against my exposed forehead like sandpaper.

In case it was not apparent, I highly recommend this read for anyone looking for a terrifying science fiction, action filled ride with strong competent character who can take on the world (worlds?). Pick this up asap, and be ready to hold your breath and be very, very quiet...

​I am voluntarily reviewing an advance, complimentary copy of this book (But I have since then gone out and purchased a signed copy to cherish and give a place of honor to on my bookshelf from my local indie bookstore!).

Author Bio:

A veteran bookseller and librarian, Courtney Alameda now spends her days writing thriller and horror novels. Her debut novel, SHUTTER, was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award and hailed as a "standout in the genre" by School Library Journal. Her forthcoming novels include the science fiction/horror mashup, PITCH DARK (Macmillan/Feiwel & Friends 2018), and SEVEN DEADLY SHADOWS, an urban fantasy set in Japan. (Co-authored with Valynne Maetani. HarperTeen 2018).

Courtney holds a degree in English literature with an emphasis in creative writing. She is represented by John M. Cusick of Folio Literary. A northern California native, she now resides in Utah with her husband, a legion of books, and a tiny five-pound cat with a giant personality.  Member HWA, SFWA, SCBWI; and SDCC Creative Professional.

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3 winners will receive a signed finished copy of PITCH DARK & pin with a quote that’s important to the story, US Only.

Ends on March 6th at Midnight EST!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Week One:

2/19/2018- Here's to Happy EndingsReview

2/19/2018- Adventures of a Book JunkieInterview


2/20/2018- The Blonde BookwormReview

2/20/2018- BookHounds YaGuest Post


2/21/2018- A Gingerly ReviewReview

2/21/2018- Literary MeanderingsExcerpt


2/22/2018- Howling LibrariesReview

2/22/2018- YA Books CentralInterview


2/23/2018- The OWL Book Review BlogReview

2/23/2018- Pretty Deadly ReviewsReview

Week Two:

2/26/2018- Smada's Book SmackReview

2/26/2018- Mary Had a Little Book BlogReview


2/27/2018- Adventures Thru WonderlandReview

2/27/2018- Tales of the Ravenous ReaderInterview


2/28/2018- Two Chicks on BooksExcerpt

2/28/2018- A Dream Within A DreamInterview


3/1/2018- Savings in SecondsReview

3/1/2018- The Cover Contessa- Excerpt


3/2/2018- Reading for the Stars and MoonReview

3/2/2018- AbooktropolisReview


Review tour provided by Rockstar Book Tours

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