Thursday, November 9, 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Veiled by Stacey Rourke

Stacey Rourke
Publication date: November 7th 2017
Genres: Adult, Urban Fantasy

Political propaganda would have us believe vampires are our friends. Fanged teddy bears misunderstood thanks to archaic lore. Activists picket for them to be welcomed into our society.

They claim vamps don’t kill.
They preach we are safe.
They … are dead wrong.

One year ago a hive slaughtered my family and left me for dead. Found by a team of scientists with their own agenda, I was forged into an unstoppable weapon.

I possess their strength, with none of their weaknesses.
I can move among them free from their crippling hunger.
I am their greatest threat.

Armed with this arsenal, vengeance will feed my desire to penetrate the seedy underbelly of their fetishized lifestyle and expose them for the monsters they truly are.

Goodreads / Amazon

My Review:

4.5 Out Of 5 Stars

Genre: Another-World, Hysterical, Mystery, Scary, Supernatural, Suspense, Urban Fantasy, Vampires--

Vincenza invited her vampire boyfriend home to meet her parents, having no idea that her world would end that night. After experiencing something horrific, Vinx finds herself alive...sort of...instead of dead like she hoped. She is now part of something bigger, something deadly, something experimental, and she is a tool to bring destruction.

I was rally surprised by the bursts of humor I found embedded in the pages of what started out as such a terrible, violent event- and to be honest, the story ended pretty violently as well. The book alternated from Day 1 and explained how Vincenza became this way and then to like Day 388 where a well developed plan was under way. The reader is pretty much dropped into the situation blind, with no real help from the synopsis, and it was such an interesting delivery method. Each chapter had a term definintion pertaining to research, which summed up Vencenza's life nicely.

I also really enjoyed this vampire world created by Stacey, so new and different. She put her own spin on a classic by adding the vampire politics and the info about Dracula (aka Vlad) and his son (which I liked her dose of realism thrown in there). This was almost an urban fantasy The fact that there was a march on Washington for vampire equal rights was so applicable to everything going on in the US this year. I also found it interesting that this was our modern world as we know it, but with vampires added- the references were understandable and relevant to today.

The dynamic between Micah, Vencenza and Carter was my favorite- it was like an exasperated parent having to take charge of two over-sexualized, rambunctious kids.

"Did someone mention cotton candy?"

"I shouldn't have to say this to two grown-ass people, but... if you're good, and we see a vendor, I will get you some."

Carter was great character, a mix between an investigative journalist and a rowdy frat boy- right from the moment he was "purchased" at the auction, he just fit right into the group. One of my favorite parts had him being ridiculous in it:

Raising both hands in front of him, he turned them over as if hoping an answer was written somewhere on his skin. "What do I normally do with my hands? Do they just hang at my sides? That doesn't seem right. I can't remember proper hand protocol. There's a chance I'm freaking out."

"A chance?"

I have read a few books by Stacey now and enjoyed them all, but I think that this has become my favorite. Her world and people were just so engaging and quirky to me and I did not want to put the story down until I finished. Veiled was totally different from any other vampire book I have read as well as completely different from anything else I have read from Stacey in general, making it a nice shift. The ending was shocking and I am excited for what will come next...or rather who!

I received this title for reviewing purposes.

Author Bio:

RONE Award Winner for Best YA Paranormal Work of 2012 for Embrace, a Gryphon Series Novel
Young Adult and Teen Reader voted Author of the Year 2012
Turning Pages Magazine Winner for Best YA book of 2013 & Best Teen Book of 2013
Readers' Favorite Silver Medal Winner for Crane 2015

Stacey Rourke is the author of the award winning YA Gryphon Series, the chillingly suspenseful Legends Saga, and the romantic comedy Reel Romance Series. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant dogs. She loves totravel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction, and considers herself blessed to make a careerout of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter



1 comment:

  1. Great review, Katherine! This really does sound like a unique vampire story, and the world/characters seem very well crafted! Glad you liked it! :)
