Sunday, November 19, 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Ignited (Dance of the Elements, #1) by A.M. Deese

Book Blurb:

Ignited by A.M. Deese

Genre: YA

Release Date: March 2018





“Jura imagined it sounded like rain.”

Juggling death is nothing new for seventeen-year-old Jura, daughter of the First of the Thirteen, successive rulers of the Republic of the Sand Sea. However, when a blood chain ensnares her father, she is thrust into the seat of power and forced to rule her elders.

“To Tylak, water had never tasted sweeter.”

Jura must track down her father’s assassin and balance a country on the verge of collapse. To find the Prince of Shadows and uncover the truth, Jura puts her trust in Tylak, a former slave accused of stealing from the Everflame—a man she once condemned to death.

In a world where water is currency and enemies lurk around every corner, Jura will use her wits or risk igniting a world war.

Goodreads | Radiant Crown Publishing, LLC | Google Play

Guest post provided by Author A.M. Deese
I have several author friends who swear by their music play lists. I do find music to be very inspiring soI can understand why some authors love/need their tunes. I'm not one of them. I need complete silence whenever I write, to the point my phone is turned on silent and the pups receive glares whenever they bark. So instead of a music play list here is a Top 10 list on how to complete a novel.

Top 10 Rules for Writing a Novel

1. Write every day.

2. Choose your medium and invest in it! Get a fancy laptop or computer with writing programs to make things easy. Like writing the old fashioned way? Stock up on nice pens and notebooks.

3. Do your research. Research is a necessary evil. Even in fantasy novels there is still research needed to create a setting with enough realism to make it believable.

4. Read! Read in your genre. Read outside your genre. Read what you wrote yesterday. Keep reading.

5. Find your creative time and stick to it! Every one has a time of the day when they're most creative. Find yours, and schedule your writing around it.

6. Stock up on snacks. Snacks are important.

7. Write your ending first. It's so much easier to get through the dreaded middle slump if you have a clear direction in mind.8. Set realistic goals and honor them!

9. Take a break. No really, your brain needs to recharge.

10. Never give up. Rejection is part of the deal, don't let it keep you from getting your story out there

Author Bio:

Alexis Marrero Deese isan avid reader of young adult and fantasy. Her favorite authors include Brandon Sanderson, Jaqueline Carey, and Orson Scott Card. She graduated from the University of South Florida with a Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing and a sun tan she misses dearly since her move to northern Georgia. She has a passion for cooking, spends entirely too much time on Pinterest, and is a self-proclaimed dog training expert to her family’s legion of dogs.


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Blog Tour provided by YA Bound Book Tours

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great read. Enjoyed Your Rules for Writing a Novel.
