

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Review: The Dragon's Price (Transference #1) by Bethany Wiggins

Book Blurb:

Fans of Julie Kagawa’s Talon and Renee Ahdieh’s The Wrath and the Dawn will devour this action-packed fantasy adventure about a girl who chooses to surrender herself to a deadly dragon rather than marry an enemy prince.

When two warring kingdoms unified against a deadly menace laying waste to both their lands, they had to make a choice: vow to marry their heirs to one another, or forfeit their lives to the dragon.

Centuries later, everyone expects the sheltered princess Sorrowlynn to choose the barbarian prince over the fire-breathing beast—everyone, that is, except Sorrow, who is determined to control her own destiny or die trying.

As she is lowered into the dragon’s chamber, she assumes her life is over until Golmarr, the young prince she just spurned, follows her with the hopes of being her hero and slaying the dragon. But the dragon has a different plan. . . .

If the dragon wins, it will be freed from the spell that has bound it to the cave for centuries. If Sorrow or Golmarr vanquish the dragon, the victor will gain its treasure and escape the cave beneath the mountain. But what exactly is the dragon hiding?

There are no safe havens for Sorrow or Golmarr—not even with each other—and the stakes couldn’t be higher as they risk everything to protect their kingdom.

My Review:

4 Out Of 5 Stars

Genre: Another-World, Romance, Royal-Court, Supernatural, Suspense, Witches--

Princess Sorrowlyn has to make a choice- to marry the old Barbarian King her family has made a deal with or to be given to the fire breathing dragon to be eaten. It would seem like an easy choice for most people, to pick life over death, but Sorrowlynn is not most people. And she does the extraordinary. Little does she know, but her actions have caused Lord Golmarr of the barbarian tribe to be inspired, causing the two of them to begin an epic adventure where survival is in question, and Fate may come true.

I have liked the other books I have read by this author so I was excited to get my hands on this one, even though it was so unlike the dystopian stories I have read from her in the past. I may have been swayed by the pretty cover and the mention of dragons, to be perfectly honest. I was not at all let down by this book though, enjoying every moment and twist the author presented me with.

The dragons were very cool and interestingly developed. Each dragon (and there seem to be at least a couple floating around) has a treasure, one thing they cherish more than anything else…but it may not be a tangible treasure like most people assume. And those who slay the beast (if it's even possible, get the treasure (whether they want it or not). The fire and the ice dragon were both described so well it was as if I could see them, which I enjoyed. And their personalities were terrible, but I mean that in a good way.

The story was most definitely an adventure, filled with magic and danger… but what I found the most surprising part of the book was how romantic the story was. I was completely caught off guard by the warm fuzzies the story inspired in me, even at the unexpected of times. I am a huge fan or romance in my stories, and yes, I can live without (if I have to), but I prefer a book with even just a hint of lurv, and man did I get that here. Maybe I was not supposed to get so wrapped up in the romance, but I did. I ate up every stolen moment between Golmarr (who I love!) and Sorrowlynn (who I grew to understand and respect). Which made the ending that much more heartbreaking for me (and I am sure the characters, but who is more important here?).

I know this book quite literally just came out, but I really NEED book 2 because I feel like my heart was ripped out. Sure, there was a smidge of hope thrown out at the reader, but really it was awful and I need to know what will happen next.

I received this title from the publisher in return for my honest review.

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